
Lesbian dating really isn’t all that different to what most people consider ‘normal’ hook ups. Two people meet, they discover they both love the same things and then in turn fall in love with each other. They make big life decisions, introduce each other to their families and friends, move in together, buy pets and one day consider getting married and having children.
However, like any relationship there are pros and cons and you can find some of these listed below to consider before jumping head first into a wonderful relationship with another girl:

Pros of lesbian dating: you get to date a girl
Girls are soft, sensitive and usually emotionally mature, unlike guys who don’t understand why you’re glaring at them, as they scratch their crotch while chatting to your Mum at a family BBQ. Girls understand what is required in a relationship and make the effort.
Cons of lesbian dating: you get to date a girl
With two girls in a relationship that myth about PMS and periods syncing is tested and usually turns out to be true (even though there’s actually no scientific evidence to back up that it happens). That means double the grouchiness and snappy comments, when you turn into a bear the week before you start your next cycle.
Pro of lesbian dating: no unwanted pregnancies
No babies for you, unless you actively seek out other ways of becoming pregnant or adopting.
Cons of lesbian dating: the unwanted comments and prejudice
Of course with your same sex comes the narrow mindedness of others and plenty of awkward or even nasty situations. Try not to let the negativity stand in the way of your love for each other though, if you know you’re meant to be together.
Pros of lesbian dating: you will never receive a horrifying sext, within the first five minutes of talking online
Why do guys think it’s okay to send a picture of their genitals within five minutes? No one likes looking at full frontal willy shots.
Cons of lesbian dating: the dating pool is much, much smaller
Online dating sites might have tailored areas for those interested in the same sex to find each other, MySingleFriend lesbian dating is a great example of this, but the choice is still pretty limited. That doesn’t mean you can’t be picky, you might just be looking for longer for that special lady.
Pros of lesbian dating: you know how to please each other
Hey, you’ve both got the same parts that essentially work the same so any time spent in the bedroom is going to be enjoyable.
Cons of lesbian dating: your budget for sex toys must increase
There’s only so much you can do yourself and so that drawer under the bed rapidly fills up with fun toys to play with, which also impacts on your bank account because Ann Summers isn’t cheap.
Pros of lesbian dating: your wardrobe doubles in size
If you and your girlfriend are around the same size your wardrobes basically blend into one big fun railing of clothing that you share.
Cons of lesbian dating: your girlfriend will steal your favourite item of clothing

That leather jacket you love? You won’t get a look in. And those Converse that you just bought? Yeah, she’s wearing them now.